Below is a selection of pictures of the installation taken during the display, between the 21st and 26th of June, 2014, in Copenhagen.

By pressing the image it will appear in a high resolution.

The installation seen from the outside
Presse Det hvide tårn

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

The entrance to the installation
Presse exit

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

‘Hopes and Fears’
Presse interaktion

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

Presse håb og frygt

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

‘Who should set research priorities?’
Presse Hvem skal bestemme

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

Entrance 2 – ‘Reflection’
Presse indgang 2 puslespil

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

Entrance 3 – ‘Use’
Presse indgang 2

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

Entrance 4 – ‘Integration’
Presse indgang 3 og 4

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

Presse indgang 4 puslespil

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

Presse risiko

Photo: Alexander Dich Jensen

All images can be freely used if credit is noted for photographer Alexander Dich Jensen.